description: ‘Herps Draaiorgel’-
No 7002 (Waldenmaier)
COROLLA: quarter flared; smooth petal margins; opens & matures red (52A);
12mm (7/16”) long x 16mm (5/8”) wide. SEPALS: half down, tips reflexed;
dark rose (51A) upper surface; rose (52B) lower surface; 17mm (5/8”) long
x 8mm (5/16”) wide. TUBE: red (50A); long, medium thickness; 45mm (1 3/4”)
long x 7mm (1/4”) wide. STAMENS do not extend beyond the corolla; dark
rose (51A) filaments; light yellowish orange (19B) anthers. PISTIL does
not extend beyond the corolla; rose (52B) style; pink stigma. BUD has long
tube, ovate end. FOLIAGE is dark green (147A) upper surface; medium green
(147B) lower surface. Leaves are 120mm (4 3/4”) long x 60mm (2 3/8”) wide;
elliptic shaped, smooth edges, acute tips, acute bases. Veins are red,
stems & branches are dark red. PARENTAGE: ‘Herps Parachute’ x ‘F.
magdalenae’. Tall upright. Makes good upright. Prefers overhead
filtered light. Best bloom & foliage color in filtered light. Tested 3
years in Herpen, The Netherlands. Distinguished by bloom shape & color. |